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Yes, we made it there - it's Kiki's first time ever. Look how much fun she 

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以為沒事還在"安慰"受害者們, 沒想到..........

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下一秒成了兩個無奈對望的"雕像". (想必心中OS為: 原來不是所有的叔叔跟姊姊都是"好人"喔?!)

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這對受歡迎的父母應該有發現在廚房"晃"就能得到所有小孩崇拜的目光吧? You two made great breakfast (along with good jokes, too)! Malu家也是厲害一族, 只有我們家連兩天負責"吃"!! ^_^ 

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大合照, even though Kiki有她"前輩"的堅持, which made all the others stayed in the chair for a long time... sorry... ="=

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Well...本來想PO大家happy的照片, 結果這張自己冒出來 - 只能說"好好先生"也會有不耐煩的moment啊!!

PS. 第一次發現原來放空之旅可以這麼撫慰人心! It was great - thank you all for giving us such a great time!! 

PPS. 也感謝屏東Kiki家來相聚 (幫忙烤肉, 又帶好吃的特產還"陪喝"), it's great to see you both and Kiki again. Also - Congratulations!!

PPPS. 就在這篇完成後發現Malu家嘔心瀝血之作, 不覺"汗顏" - 意猶未竟的朋友請移師參觀 -


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